custom made packaging

FSC paper (Forest Stewardship Council)
Is a popular material to replace traditional virgin paper. It will usually be used as the wrapper, liner, and frame of a paperbox or main part of a paper bag. The strict system can ensure paper pulp for making paper is sourced from well manages eco-friendly forest.
Recycled paper
are mostly made by post-consumed waste (PCW) but pre-consumed waste can also be used sometimes. General speaking, recycled paper are more environmental friendly, since in the production process, less solid waste, air and water pollution will be created compartively. However, certain virgin pulp may be added due to technical or economis reasons to make recycled paper not nesessary in 100%.

Plastic pact
our shipping bag suplier signed a plastic pact. With this pact they focus on the sustainable use of plastic. All the materials are made of recycled plastic from their own recycling program. You can also choose for a bio based material. This material is not made of fossil raw materials but made from plant based materials
GOTS Global organic textile standard
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is recognised as the world's leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres. It defines high-level environmental criteria along the entire organic textiles supply chain and requires compliance with social criteria as well.